Sunday, February 20, 2011

Language Test Date

So I got a date -- This Friday, Feb. 25th.

I've taken your suggestions to heart, and I'm trying to direct my last week of studying appropriately.  Frankly, whether I pass or not, I'm glad it's finally here.  I've been studying for a long time, largely self-directed, and I'm kind of tired of it.  Ideally, I will have done enough, but if not I at can at least get a good idea of what I need to work on, and I get (ha, "get") 6 months to work on it.

Wish me luck, internet.


Foreign Obsession said...


Sarah said...

Best of luck! I just stumbled across your blog and it appears too late to offer any tips before the test, but having just taken mine a month ago I know how you're feeling. Looking forward to hearing about how it went and your results.

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