Friday, September 2, 2011

Here we go again!

So friends, here we are again.  Two months in Turkish immersion, countless hours of private instruction, and a little (prescribed) amphetamines later, I've taken my last shot at the FSI Turkish test this morning.  It's a little nerve-wracking, to say the least, but if I pass I have three months on the register to get a call with a 5.7.  Hopefully they're still holding classes out in Foggy Bottom (or crystal city, or L'Enfant Plaza, or wherever A-100 is actually held).

I feel more optimistic this time around, even though we didn't get to all the (possible) parts of the test and it was still only 15 minutes or so.  I didn't run into a question I couldn't answer, I led the discussion, and I already tested at an Intermediate Mid level three weeks ago.  More importantly, I want this job more than anything in the world, and I think I would be fantastic at it.  I've spent two years (this month) working on this application, and I'll spend two more if that's what it takes.  I'd just vaingloriously prefer to get in before I'm 30.  There's always the Genius Bar if it doesn't pan out, though, right?

Here goes nothing, friends.  See you on the other side!


Nomads By Nature said...

Fingers crossed for you!

njtworld said...

Good luck. As you know, waiting for the result is tough. Hoping for the best for you.

fsowannabe said...

Good luck! How do you like Turkish?

J-rod said...

Joe and I will reserve a spot for you in Abuja!

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